Android tv vs Smart tv

Android tv vs Smart tv are both terms used to describe television sets with built-in features that allow them to connect to the internet and access a variety of online services and applications. However, there are some differences between the two:

  1. Operating System:
    • Android TV: TVs running on the Android TV platform are powered by Google’s Android operating system, specifically optimized for television use. This means users have access to the Google Play Store and can download and install apps, games, and other content just like they would on an Android smartphone or tablet.
    • Smart TV: Smart TVs typically run on proprietary operating systems developed by the TV manufacturer. These operating systems vary depending on the brand and model of the TV but often come with pre-installed apps and services for streaming media, browsing the internet, and accessing other online content.
  2. App Ecosystem:
    • Android TV: With access to the Google Play Store, Android TV offers a vast ecosystem of apps and games, including popular streaming services like Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, and more. Users can also download additional apps to customize their viewing experience.
    • Smart TV: Smart TVs come with a selection of pre-installed apps and services chosen by the manufacturer. While some smart TVs offer access to a wide range of streaming services, the selection may be more limited compared to Android TV. Additionally, users typically cannot install additional apps beyond what’s provided by the manufacturer.
  3. Updates and Support:
    • Android TV: As part of Google’s ecosystem, Android TV devices often receive regular updates and support from Google, including security patches and feature updates.
    • Smart TV: Updates and support for smart TVs may vary depending on the manufacturer. Some brands provide regular updates to improve performance and add new features, while others may offer limited support after the TV has been released.

Overall, while both Android TV and Smart TV offer internet-connected features, Android TV provides a more versatile and customizable experience with access to a wider range of apps and services through the Google Play Store. Smart TVs, on the other hand, offer convenience out of the box with pre-installed apps and services but may have limitations in terms of app selection and customization.

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